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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ingrid Lucia - Christmas In New Orleans

New Orleans is my kind of city.  Greasy, spicy, dirty (the good kind) food is available for the common man.  The cadence of the entire city rocks and marches to blues, jazz, zydeco, and funk.  I'd love to see those wrought iron balconies strung up in Christmas lights as I sip a chicory coffee and munch on a beignet.  A light flurry would make the city even more magical than it already is.  Even without winter precipitation, Nawlins is a town that brings out the best in musicians.  Ingrid Lucia and her backing band swing us down to New Orleans for a quick Christmas stroll.  New Orleans music and Christmas music combined really makes my day.  Don't forget to support the artists that make these tracks available.  Pick up a track or two.  Take it away, Ingrid!

1 comment:

  1. AVClub is doing "Undercover" with all Christmas songs...,48355/
